
Wesley Foundation at UIUC † 1203 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801-2905 † (217) 344-1120

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Friday, September 26, 2008


Several people have suggested we study the topic of "sacrifice" in Judeo-Christianity next semester. In ancient Jewish tradition, sacrifice was necessary to make oneself right with God. Think of Cain and Abel, Abraham and Isaac, first fruits and umblemished kids, etc. In Christianity, Jesus has been called the "sacrificial Lamb" and the way to salvation. Paul says Jesus fulfilled the letter of the law. What is the current Jewish teaching about sacrifice? In what way do Christians interpret Jesus' sacrifice today?

Grad Study will put together our own study on "sacrifice." Use this space to suggest readings, either Scriptural or published. I'll sort through them and take care of making up said packet. I hope to bequeath a copy of this study to the Wesley library.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Week 5: Listening Alone, Listening Together

Check out the psalm for this week: "waters roar and foam" and "mountains tremble"--but God commands us, "Be still, and know that I am God!" It's hard to imagine how in being still one could grasp the awesomeness of God.

Again this week practice being still and listening alone, and on Tuesday we will do the same together.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week 4: Self-Awareness

We have a potpourri of Scripture readings this week that show how certain people (such as Jesus) have been self-aware, which then enables them to do Kingdom-work.

Is it possible to "know thyself" without knowing God?

Week 3: Making Time

This week we talked about making time for God, for ourselves, and for others--Sabbath time.

We also made a useful distinction between "Sabbath time" and "de-stress time." Both are necessary, but "Sabbath time" includes the kinds of experiences and connections that stay with us. While de-stress time is essentially unproductive time "lost," it is required to make us able to be with ourselves and with others, so we can >enjoy> Sabbath time.

What have you taken away from your Sabbath time this week?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Week 2: Listening to the Right Voices

Hello Grad Study!
This is our first week getting into the Come and See portion. Make sure you make contact with your Faith Friend at least once this week. And of course, there's always the daily reading...
Has anyone experienced listening to right (or wrong) voices this week?
