
Wesley Foundation at UIUC † 1203 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801-2905 † (217) 344-1120

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Go and do..." (Luke 10:37)

This is the part of out study in which we put our lessons into action. Below is a proposed schedule of events. Please feel free to comment or to offer to plan one of these things.

Daily Scripture Reading:
Remix: Solo, Eugene Petersen

The Upper Room
A daily walk with the Scriptures.

One reading per weekday
This is the study Faith UMC is doing.

Read the whole Bible in 365 days. Here is one option available.

Sunday, October 19, Meadowbrook Park
Meet at pavilion at 3:30pm.

Tuesday, October 28, Movie Night! Wesley Movie Theater, 8pm
Watch and discuss a movie that challenges our faith. Needs someone to facilitate discussion and someone to organize drinks and snacks.
There have been murmurs for The Razor's Edge.

Tuesday, November 4, Make Soup for TIMES Center, 8pm
We'll be meeting at the Ehrenberger-Hammer residence (directions in an email to follow) to cook and eat and watch election returns. Caci is coordinating the soup-making. You may choose to fast today and break-fast with the group.
Things to bring: soup ingredients and a snack/drink to share.

Tuesday, November 11, Service of Songs and Prayer Beads, 8pm **NOTE TIME**
Meet at Wesley, in Watseka Lounge to make prayer beads. We will then move to the Sanctuary at 8:30pm to inaugurate them with a service of songs and prayers. Anthony, Josh, Kristen, and Pastor Dan are leading this.

Thursday, November 13, Wesley Food Pantry
Volunteer training at 4pm. Pantry runs 5-7pm.
Sometime during the semester you might also consider fasting a meal and donating the cost: $6.50 feeds a family for one week!

Tuesday, November 18, Walk the Labyrinth, 8pm
This will be an informal gathering. We will begin with a group prayer and then take turns walking the labyrinth. To protect the cloth, you will be asked to take your shoes off. You might also want to bring your prayer beads. Feel free to leave whenever your faith walk is finished.

If you are unfamiliar with labyrinth tradition, here and here are some resources.
Here is information about the Crystal Park labyrinth.

Sunday, December 7, Walk Through Bethlehem, 4-7pm
This is a fun direct-service opportunity at Cunningham Children's Home. Note the day, which is different than the one we discussed at the meeting.

Tuesday, December 9, Toys For Tots, ToysRUs at 8:30pm, Barnes & Nobles at 9:30pm
Meet at Toys R Us to shop for this great program, run by the US Marines. Drop off your purchases in the boxes at the doors of the store and walk next door for refreshments at Barnes and Nobles. :-) Carpooling suggested.

Thursday, December 18, Wesley Food Pantry
Volunteer training at 4pm. Pantry open 5-7pm.

Constant need: St. Jude's House
Their soup kitchen is open daily 11am-12:30pm. They need volunteers to cook, serve, and clean from 9am to 2pm, especially Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The 2st or 2nd Saturday of the month is also a work day, 1:30-4:30pm. For more info check out their webpage or call 217-355-9774.


Colleen Hanten said...

So, I figured out that there was no edit the hard way.

I am using my girlfriend's computer for this, and don't know how to log her back in if I log out.

Nov. 4, I WILL be watching electoral results. I could also make soup, if it was guaranteed that a TV would be available.

Josh Nelson

Caci said...

I can organize the soup making; since my kitchen is fairly small (really, two people is too many in there), Wesley's kitchen would probably be better. Who should I talk to about using the kitchen?

Frau Doktor Doctor said...

Thanks for offering to organize the soup-making, Caci! You would talk to Donna in the big office to reserve a kitchen at Wesley. However, if we want to combine soup-making and election results-watching, Michael and I offer our kitchen and living room (which is finally large enough to host people!).

Anonymous said...

I am hoping to be in IN on October 4th getting out the vote. But I have to come back early because I have an 8am class to teach on Wed the 5th. So I don't know when we'll be back.

If we get back in time, could my parents come to the soup-making party too? If we've got a group together, they'll be interested in joining. My dad wants to watch the results with a big group of people, but maybe I can convince him a small group is ok too.

And I'd love to see Razor's Edge on Tuesday if someone (*cough* Alan) can bring it.

Imy :-P
PS: Can't remember my google id, I'll figure it out later

Caci said...

Kristen, I think we'd all be glad to take you up on your offer! I promise that we'll make a huge mess (and then clean it all up :)
I don't mind extra soup-makers, but I'll leave that up to the hostess.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Razor's Edge as well.

Frau Doktor Doctor said...

I'll bring something to drink to the movie on Tuesday. Can a few other people bring snacks, please? Alan, can you bring the movie? Someone who has already seen Razor's Edge needs to volunteer to lead the discussion.

Anonymous said...

Hey (this is Anne), I can bring popcorn! I'm assuming that there's a microwave somewhere, though, that we could use...is that right? If not I'll bring something else.

Also, I saw that the UIUC undergrad library has two copies of The Razor's Edge, one (VHS) from 1985 and one from later with Bill Murray in it (DVD). I'll check both of them out and bring them just in case...I haven't seen either so I'm not sure which one we were talking about watching :)
