
Wesley Foundation at UIUC † 1203 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801-2905 † (217) 344-1120

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Razor's Edge

Sorry the movie went so late we couldn't have discussion. Please post your thoughts here!


Anonymous said...

Razor's Edge: So the movie was really drawn out and has its weaknesses I know, but I think a couple major points in the movie that stuck out for me-- 1) when Larry is given the Upanishads (Hindu scripture) to read, but is told he has to go to India (experience faith) to find what he's looking for; and second when Larry comments that it's easy to be a holy man on top of a mountain.

There are allusions to spiritual journey with the mountaintop experience and then going to live it out.

Questions linger: what did he go in search of after the war? knowledge? peace? grace? salvation? What did he find? Was it good to offer what he found to others, his friends--is this evangelism?

Frau Doktor Doctor said...

Sorry it's taken me so long to get around to this, but here are some notes I jotted down afterwards:

I was intrigued by the conclusion that, after all of his travel and study, Larry had to throw out what he learned on the mountaintop, i.e. that his good behavior would be rewarded--here, with a fun and loving relationship.

Do you think it is true that there is no reward for good behavior? What does Christian thought say?

And actually, Michael told me last night he wasn't in the mood to watch a 2-hour movie, but the movie changed his mind. He liked the complexity and the character development.

I still think often of the one female character (her name escapes me now), who was most developed--the one whose son and husband were killed in a car accident, she becomes a prostitute in Paris, etc. Very striking. And yet unsuccessful. Neither leading woman turned out well, unfortunately.
