
Wesley Foundation at UIUC † 1203 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801-2905 † (217) 344-1120

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Options for Fall 2009

After our planning meeting, we have narrowed our choices down to the following options. If you have a preference, please make that known by voting on Google Moderator, in the comments of this post, or by emailing Anthony.

Option 1: Process Theology, Gender, and Multiculturalism (DVDs)

Note: These video clips are filled with thoughtful commentary, but they are low tech (that is to say, they look like 1980s home movies).

09/01 Meet & Greet

What Is Process Theology? by Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki
09/08 Part I: The Heart of Process Theology - 11 minutes
09/15 Part II: Prayer in a Process Perspective - 10 minutes
09/22 Part III: Feminism and Process Theology - 10 minutes

09/29 Service Project and/or Fellowship

African American Religion & Process Theology
10/06 Part 1: Theodore Walker - African American Religion & Process Theology (8 minutes)
10/13 Interlude: African American Spirituals (use this video?)
10/20 Part 2: Henry James Young - Points of Convergence Between Afro-American Religion & Process Theology (9 minutes)

10/27 Service Project and/or Fellowship

11/03 Part I. Spirituality and the Global Perspective - Catherine Keller (15:54 minutes)
11/10 Part II. Recognizing God's Power - Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki (11:20 minutes)
11/17 Part III. An Opening to Creativity - Gene Reeves (9:54 minutes)
12/01 Part IV. Learning From Other Religions - Gene Reeves (11:36 minutes)

12/08 Worship

12/15 Shopping & Fellowship

Option 2: Bible Study (TBD) from the Minor Prophets

Option 3: Early Christian Worship: A Basic Introduction to Ideas and Practice by Paul F. Bradshaw (book)

09/01 - Meet & Greet

I. Christian Initiation
09/08 1. Beginnings p2-7
09/15 2. Syria and Egypt p8-13
......3. Rome and N Africa p14-21
09/22 4. The 4th Century Synthesis p22-30
09/29 5. From Adult to Infant Baptism p31-37

II. Eucharist
10/06 6. Communion: The Sacred Meal p38-44
10/13 7. Anamnesis and Epiclesis: The Eucharistic Prayer p45-50
10/20 8. "The bloodless sacrifice" p51-57
10/27 9. Holy Food p58-63
11/03 10. 'Let all mortal flesh keep silence' p64-69

III. Liturgical Time
11/10 11. Daily Prayer p70-74
11/17 12. Sunday p75-79
12/01 13. Easter and Pentecost p80-85
......14. Christmas, Epiphany, and Lent p86-90
12/08 15. Saints' Days p91-93

12/15 Gift Shopping & Fellowship

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