Tuesday, March 10
Glenn M. Miller, “Redemption in the Old Testament,” The Great Irruption: Christ’s Work on the Cross
1) Re-read Brueggemann's article on redemption.
2) Recommended: Read Dr. Cobb's article on redemption:
3) Meditate on the meaning of redemption.
4) If you have the time, please take a look at a hymnal (any hymn book--old or new; red, blue, or black; paper or virtual). Pick out song(s) that speak(s) to the idea of God's redeeming work in the world (past/present/future) individually and globally. Try to pick out at least one from the UMHymnal/The Faith We Sing, but also feel free to bring something outside those texts. If you can't get access to any
hymnal from anywhere, try the Psalms. If you can't find the Psalms, they're in the dead center of most Bibles or easily found online. :)
If you do any of this, please at least attempt #3 and #4. My apologies in advance if I'm asking too much of you.
Re: Hymns/Songs/Psalms
I'm tentatively planning to start us out with the following questions to get the discussion rolling on redemption on Tuesday.
Why did you choose the hymn(s)/song(s)/psalm(s)? What’s compelling about its/their understanding(s) of redemption?
Marjorie Hewitt Suchocki, who I feel is one of the most compelling contemporary theologians, talks about redemption and cinema on a clip showcased in a December post on the Transforming Theology Blog.
I was going to post the hymns you all chose... but then I forgot to save before I exited my word document. Soooo, if you'd like to share again what hymn(s) you chose, please do so here. :)
The ones I think I remember:
* UMH 384 - Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Charles Wesley)
* UMH - Christ the Lord Has Risen Today
* TFWS - The Summoning
* TFWS - Awesome God
Also TFWS - Give Thanks
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