
Wesley Foundation at UIUC † 1203 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801-2905 † (217) 344-1120

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Week 4: Self-Awareness

We have a potpourri of Scripture readings this week that show how certain people (such as Jesus) have been self-aware, which then enables them to do Kingdom-work.

Is it possible to "know thyself" without knowing God?


Caci said...

I've got a quick prayer request; I just found out that my grandmother's having surgery today (!) because she fell and smashed her knee cap and the bone right below the shoulder. Thanks!

Frau Doktor Doctor said...

Oh no! We'll keep her and her healthcare team in our prayers.

Frau Doktor Doctor said...

One report from Tuesday:

We replaced the redundant lectio divinia of the Transfiguration with one on Isaiah 6. There, Isaiah is called (he must recognize God and find his will to follow)--but God also mocks Israel's unwillingness to see and to hear.

Also apropos is God's calling of Samuel: Samuel, Samuel...and he goes to Eli, who eventually figures out what's going on. Aren't our own lives and calls like that?!
