Christian Character in Community: A Problem with My Arabic Studies
Since we haven’t done highs and lows, I thought maybe I could vent a low on the blog and maybe people could offer advice and support electronically.
I’m frustrated with my Arabic class and thinking of dropping it. It’s a really sad thing for me, but all semester I’ve been upset about this teacher (a TA) who for many weeks seem to come to class unprepared and then just talk us through the textbook. I’ve tried to make suggestions, some of which he has implemented half-hazzardly, but the classroom is still very one-directional and I want to have more control over what I learn.
Outside of Arabic class, I’m still dealing with my experience in Egypt where I felt myself grow more prejudiced rather than less. You might’ve heard me talk but here are some of the things I noticed:
1) My male boss talking to my female assistant in a tone that I don’t deem respectable in any situation and her taking it like because she had wronged she deserved it.
2) Egyptian men (other than my ex-) treating me like a child who shouldn’t disagree and needs to be cared for. Well actually now that I think about it, even my ex- did, although he was nicer about it.
3) My assistant taking me to a Mosque when it was prayertime and seeing that the women worshiped in what I thought was the mosque’s broom closet (it was a tiny, undecorated room behind the shoe shelves.
4) (Although not while I was in Egypt, still relevant) Seeing a documentary by a Yemeni woman about a teenage girl who doesn’t wear the veil. When they interviewed the men on the street and asked them what they would do if this girl was their sister, they said they would beat her and “hang her from the ceiling”
Note: I can’t imagine any of the Egyptians I met saying that beating a woman is ok, but they would agree that the veil is a sign of a respectable Muslim woman.
How do these separate? Where does humility about not understanding another culture end and the statement of moral absolutes begin?
What do you think Jesus would say or do after having these experiences?
How do I live with my experiences and still follow Jesus’ example?
How do I give up Arabic when I’ve spent so much time and money in learning it as a step to better understanding a people who many Americans think of as “our enemy”?
If I give up Arabic now, why did God lead me to learn it in the first place?
There’s more in my head but hat’s all I can articulate for now.
Thanks guys I really appreciate your time and thoughts!
Imy :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Soup for the TIMES center
Caci is organizing soup for the TIMES center. She will post recipe lists; please Volunteer to bring something below. We have pots, knives, and cutting boards. BYOA -- bring your own apron!
I provided our address in an earlier email, so ask if you need it again. We have a big driveway, plus there is some street parking. The 10 Gold goes to Kirby and Mattis, the 5 Green stops over on the other side of Centennial Park, the 4 Blue stops at Kirby and Crescent, and the 9 Brown stops at Crescent and Rodney. Carpooling is also recommended. :-)
I will be breaking my fast at 8pm. Please feel free to bring a snack, too. And just FYI, we will be kicking you out sometime between 10 and 11pm. ;-)
I provided our address in an earlier email, so ask if you need it again. We have a big driveway, plus there is some street parking. The 10 Gold goes to Kirby and Mattis, the 5 Green stops over on the other side of Centennial Park, the 4 Blue stops at Kirby and Crescent, and the 9 Brown stops at Crescent and Rodney. Carpooling is also recommended. :-)
I will be breaking my fast at 8pm. Please feel free to bring a snack, too. And just FYI, we will be kicking you out sometime between 10 and 11pm. ;-)
The Razor's Edge
Sorry the movie went so late we couldn't have discussion. Please post your thoughts here!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Photo Album
Thursday, October 16, 2008
"Go and do..." (Luke 10:37)
This is the part of out study in which we put our lessons into action. Below is a proposed schedule of events. Please feel free to comment or to offer to plan one of these things.
Daily Scripture Reading:
Remix: Solo, Eugene Petersen
The Upper Room
A daily walk with the Scriptures.
One reading per weekday
This is the study Faith UMC is doing.
Read the whole Bible in 365 days. Here is one option available.
Sunday, October 19, Meadowbrook Park
Meet at pavilion at 3:30pm.
Tuesday, October 28, Movie Night! Wesley Movie Theater, 8pm
Watch and discuss a movie that challenges our faith. Needs someone to facilitate discussion and someone to organize drinks and snacks.
There have been murmurs for The Razor's Edge.
Tuesday, November 4, Make Soup for TIMES Center, 8pm
We'll be meeting at the Ehrenberger-Hammer residence (directions in an email to follow) to cook and eat and watch election returns. Caci is coordinating the soup-making. You may choose to fast today and break-fast with the group.
Things to bring: soup ingredients and a snack/drink to share.
Tuesday, November 11, Service of Songs and Prayer Beads, 8pm **NOTE TIME**
Meet at Wesley, in Watseka Lounge to make prayer beads. We will then move to the Sanctuary at 8:30pm to inaugurate them with a service of songs and prayers. Anthony, Josh, Kristen, and Pastor Dan are leading this.
Thursday, November 13, Wesley Food Pantry
Volunteer training at 4pm. Pantry runs 5-7pm.
Sometime during the semester you might also consider fasting a meal and donating the cost: $6.50 feeds a family for one week!
Tuesday, November 18, Walk the Labyrinth, 8pm
This will be an informal gathering. We will begin with a group prayer and then take turns walking the labyrinth. To protect the cloth, you will be asked to take your shoes off. You might also want to bring your prayer beads. Feel free to leave whenever your faith walk is finished.
If you are unfamiliar with labyrinth tradition, here and here are some resources.
Here is information about the Crystal Park labyrinth.
Sunday, December 7, Walk Through Bethlehem, 4-7pm
This is a fun direct-service opportunity at Cunningham Children's Home. Note the day, which is different than the one we discussed at the meeting.
Tuesday, December 9, Toys For Tots, ToysRUs at 8:30pm, Barnes & Nobles at 9:30pm
Meet at Toys R Us to shop for this great program, run by the US Marines. Drop off your purchases in the boxes at the doors of the store and walk next door for refreshments at Barnes and Nobles. :-) Carpooling suggested.
Thursday, December 18, Wesley Food Pantry
Volunteer training at 4pm. Pantry open 5-7pm.
Constant need: St. Jude's House
Their soup kitchen is open daily 11am-12:30pm. They need volunteers to cook, serve, and clean from 9am to 2pm, especially Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The 2st or 2nd Saturday of the month is also a work day, 1:30-4:30pm. For more info check out their webpage or call 217-355-9774.
Daily Scripture Reading:
Remix: Solo, Eugene Petersen
The Upper Room
A daily walk with the Scriptures.
One reading per weekday
This is the study Faith UMC is doing.
Read the whole Bible in 365 days. Here is one option available.
Sunday, October 19, Meadowbrook Park
Meet at pavilion at 3:30pm.
Tuesday, October 28, Movie Night! Wesley Movie Theater, 8pm
Watch and discuss a movie that challenges our faith. Needs someone to facilitate discussion and someone to organize drinks and snacks.
There have been murmurs for The Razor's Edge.
Tuesday, November 4, Make Soup for TIMES Center, 8pm
We'll be meeting at the Ehrenberger-Hammer residence (directions in an email to follow) to cook and eat and watch election returns. Caci is coordinating the soup-making. You may choose to fast today and break-fast with the group.
Things to bring: soup ingredients and a snack/drink to share.
Tuesday, November 11, Service of Songs and Prayer Beads, 8pm **NOTE TIME**
Meet at Wesley, in Watseka Lounge to make prayer beads. We will then move to the Sanctuary at 8:30pm to inaugurate them with a service of songs and prayers. Anthony, Josh, Kristen, and Pastor Dan are leading this.
Thursday, November 13, Wesley Food Pantry
Volunteer training at 4pm. Pantry runs 5-7pm.
Sometime during the semester you might also consider fasting a meal and donating the cost: $6.50 feeds a family for one week!
Tuesday, November 18, Walk the Labyrinth, 8pm
This will be an informal gathering. We will begin with a group prayer and then take turns walking the labyrinth. To protect the cloth, you will be asked to take your shoes off. You might also want to bring your prayer beads. Feel free to leave whenever your faith walk is finished.
If you are unfamiliar with labyrinth tradition, here and here are some resources.
Here is information about the Crystal Park labyrinth.
Sunday, December 7, Walk Through Bethlehem, 4-7pm
This is a fun direct-service opportunity at Cunningham Children's Home. Note the day, which is different than the one we discussed at the meeting.
Tuesday, December 9, Toys For Tots, ToysRUs at 8:30pm, Barnes & Nobles at 9:30pm
Meet at Toys R Us to shop for this great program, run by the US Marines. Drop off your purchases in the boxes at the doors of the store and walk next door for refreshments at Barnes and Nobles. :-) Carpooling suggested.
Thursday, December 18, Wesley Food Pantry
Volunteer training at 4pm. Pantry open 5-7pm.
Constant need: St. Jude's House
Their soup kitchen is open daily 11am-12:30pm. They need volunteers to cook, serve, and clean from 9am to 2pm, especially Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The 2st or 2nd Saturday of the month is also a work day, 1:30-4:30pm. For more info check out their webpage or call 217-355-9774.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Week 6: Planning the Next Steps Together
We're skipping this coming Tuesday because of the Presidential debate. Next Tuesday we'll be brainstorming what we want to do the rest of the semester. Check this space often for updates!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Several people have suggested we study the topic of "sacrifice" in Judeo-Christianity next semester. In ancient Jewish tradition, sacrifice was necessary to make oneself right with God. Think of Cain and Abel, Abraham and Isaac, first fruits and umblemished kids, etc. In Christianity, Jesus has been called the "sacrificial Lamb" and the way to salvation. Paul says Jesus fulfilled the letter of the law. What is the current Jewish teaching about sacrifice? In what way do Christians interpret Jesus' sacrifice today?
Grad Study will put together our own study on "sacrifice." Use this space to suggest readings, either Scriptural or published. I'll sort through them and take care of making up said packet. I hope to bequeath a copy of this study to the Wesley library.
Grad Study will put together our own study on "sacrifice." Use this space to suggest readings, either Scriptural or published. I'll sort through them and take care of making up said packet. I hope to bequeath a copy of this study to the Wesley library.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Week 5: Listening Alone, Listening Together
Check out the psalm for this week: "waters roar and foam" and "mountains tremble"--but God commands us, "Be still, and know that I am God!" It's hard to imagine how in being still one could grasp the awesomeness of God.
Again this week practice being still and listening alone, and on Tuesday we will do the same together.
Again this week practice being still and listening alone, and on Tuesday we will do the same together.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Week 4: Self-Awareness
We have a potpourri of Scripture readings this week that show how certain people (such as Jesus) have been self-aware, which then enables them to do Kingdom-work.
Is it possible to "know thyself" without knowing God?
Is it possible to "know thyself" without knowing God?
Week 3: Making Time
This week we talked about making time for God, for ourselves, and for others--Sabbath time.
We also made a useful distinction between "Sabbath time" and "de-stress time." Both are necessary, but "Sabbath time" includes the kinds of experiences and connections that stay with us. While de-stress time is essentially unproductive time "lost," it is required to make us able to be with ourselves and with others, so we can >enjoy> Sabbath time.
What have you taken away from your Sabbath time this week?
We also made a useful distinction between "Sabbath time" and "de-stress time." Both are necessary, but "Sabbath time" includes the kinds of experiences and connections that stay with us. While de-stress time is essentially unproductive time "lost," it is required to make us able to be with ourselves and with others, so we can >enjoy> Sabbath time.
What have you taken away from your Sabbath time this week?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Week 2: Listening to the Right Voices
Hello Grad Study!
This is our first week getting into the Come and See portion. Make sure you make contact with your Faith Friend at least once this week. And of course, there's always the daily reading...
Has anyone experienced listening to right (or wrong) voices this week?
This is our first week getting into the Come and See portion. Make sure you make contact with your Faith Friend at least once this week. And of course, there's always the daily reading...
Has anyone experienced listening to right (or wrong) voices this week?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Attentiveness: Week 1
This is a friendly reminder to MAKE TIME every day this week to read the psalm at the start of chapter 1 and to read and meditate on the brief scripture listed in the reading guide. You can DO THIS. See you Tuesday!
If you don't have a book and would like one, please please email me (kehren2 as soon as possible so we can get you one. Week 1 is still introduction, so it's not too late to join us!
This is a friendly reminder to MAKE TIME every day this week to read the psalm at the start of chapter 1 and to read and meditate on the brief scripture listed in the reading guide. You can DO THIS. See you Tuesday!
If you don't have a book and would like one, please please email me (kehren2
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Fall 2008 Study
This fall, the Graduate Bible Study will be following a Living the Good Life Together study called "Attentiveness: Being Present." The description reads, "Are you too busy for God? It sounds sacrilegious, but that's how many of us feel. In this study, authors Susan Pendleton Jones and L. Gregory Jones help us examine our busy lives and learn how to be present with ourselves, with each other, and with God." This is an interactive, participant-driven study that draws on Scripture, short videos, and group discussion.
We meet Tuesday evenings from 8:30-10pm in the Student Lounge at the Wesley Foundation, and books are only $4 apiece.
Come to our Meet N Greet on Tuesday, August 26, at 8pm to learn more and to pick up your book, or email Kristen Ehrenberger ( for more information or to get a ride. All graduate students and "like-minded" persons are heartily welcomed.
We meet Tuesday evenings from 8:30-10pm in the Student Lounge at the Wesley Foundation, and books are only $4 apiece.
Come to our Meet N Greet on Tuesday, August 26, at 8pm to learn more and to pick up your book, or email Kristen Ehrenberger ( for more information or to get a ride. All graduate students and "like-minded" persons are heartily welcomed.
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